Jun22, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hal Far Football Tournament

As part of the activities for World Refugee Day, UNHCR and JRS co-hosted a football tournament for the residents of Hal Far Open Centre, where there are both barracks and a tent village for immigrants.

Representatives from JRS, UNHCR, and the German Embassy--they donated the Puma jerseys that the players are wearing.

UNHCR people had fancy blue hats. My plan to have the JRS team show up in matching vests did not materialize.

Right after this the player in white got a yellow card.

A not-so-great shot of the tent village that I got right before we left on the bus.



Unknown said...

That would have been amazing if you coordinated matching vests!!! It would have made it much easier for me to identify which group you are a part of, lol! I love the pictures, keep em' coming. I can't believe you're on your last week in Malta, I feel like you just left. It seems like an amazing experience, esp the UNHCR visit, quite jealous! Enjoy your travels and your next adventure in Malta, can't wait to see pics and hear about all the fun you're having!!

Jim said...

Hah! I could see you suggesting the vests. It's totally your style.

Jamie said...

put me in coach, i'm totally ready!!! i'll have you all know, I played 3 years of varsity soccer in high school....yes, i'm that good!! jk - miss you tons ganster. I think i've figured out the skype thing, i'll email you when it's up and running :) and, of course, thoroughly jealous of your experiences with gov't health care....sigh, one day.... :)

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